Russia (MNN) — Mission pilots will soon fly into remote villages
Russia (MNN) — Mission pilots will soon fly into remote villages
USA (MNN) — Interested in becoming a mission aviation pilot or mechanic?
Nepal (MNN) — Earthquake relief gets help from MAF.
North America (MNN)– SEND International North upgrades aircraft; find out why it matters.
Guatemala (MNN) — Exciting changes taking place for ministry experiencing huge growth.
USA (MNN) — Missionary aviators spend 30% more on fuel than they did just two years ago.
PNG (MNN) — “We need to come to this teaching every day”
USA (MNN) — MAF to Purchase Two KODIAKS for Ministry Work in Indonesia.
USA (MNN) — MAF to purchase two KODIAKS for ministry work in Indonesia
USA (MNN) — Avionics technicians help share Gospel